The Anti-Federalist Papers by Patrick HENRY read by Various Part 2/2 | Full Audio Book

Published on Jun 26, 2021
The Anti-Federalist Papers by Patrick HENRY (1736 - 1799)
Genre(s): *Non-fiction, Philosophy, Political Science

Read by: Leon Mire, Sibella Denton, ML Cohen, Gary Gilberd, Robert Scott in English

00:00:00 - 31 - Brutus XI
00:17:12 - 32 - Brutus XII
00:34:35 - 33 - Brutus XIII
00:44:21 - 34 - Brutus XIV
01:03:58 - 35 - Brutus XV
01:19:50 - 36 - Brutus XVI
01:32:29 - 37 - John DeWitt I
01:46:39 - 38 - John DeWitt II
02:00:50 - 39 - John DeWitt III
02:17:25 - 40 - Cato III
02:26:53 - 41 - Cato IV
02:35:27 - 42 - Cato V
02:45:36 - 43 - Cato VII
02:53:47 - 44 - Agrippa VI
02:59:46 - 45 - Agrippa VII
03:08:32 - 46 - Agrippa VIII
03:14:09 - 47 - Agrippa IX
03:20:36 - 48 - Penn Minority
04:49:32 - 49 - Impartial Examiner I
05:18:19 - 50 - Impartial Examiner II
05:33:52 - 51 - Impartial Examiner III
05:59:17 - 52 - Maryland Farmer IV
06:17:58 - 53 - Maryland Farmer V
07:02:53 - 54 - Patrick Henry I
07:54:28 - 55 - Patrick Henry II
08:29:55 - 56 - Patrick Henry III

During the period of debate over the ratification of the Constitution, numerous independent local speeches and articles were published all across the country. Initially, many of the articles in opposition were written under pseudonyms, such as 'Brutus', 'Centinel', and 'Federal Farmer'. Eventually, famous revolutionary figures such as Patrick Henry came out publicly against the Constitution. They argued that the strong national government proposed by the Federalists was a threat to the rights of individuals and that the President would become a king. They objected to the federal court system created by the proposed constitution. This produced a phenomenal body of political writing; the best and most influential of these articles and speeches were gathered by historians into a collection known as the Anti-Federalist Papers in allusion to the Federalist Papers. (Summary by Ticktockman)

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