Jason Kohne (No White Guilt) Is A Kosher Shill

Published on Apr 22, 2021
By Kyle Hunt:
I have seen Jason Kohne being promoted across the “pro-White” space for a few years now. I didn’t like him and didn’t trust him. I never really listened to him in-depth, given his associations, his MAGA hat, and the whole new lexicon he is always trying to promote. He just seems fake, and honestly comes off as an intelligence or law enforcement agent pretending to be a “fellow pro-White advocate.”
I did not know how aggressively he stands against so-called “jew hatred” until I saw this video uploaded to Bitchute by the unironic “Judaism is Based” channel.
I have seen Jason Kohne being promoted across the “pro-White” space for a few years now. I didn’t like him and didn’t trust him. I never really listened to him in-depth, given his associations, his MAGA hat, and the whole new lexicon he is always trying to promote. He just seems fake, and honestly comes off as an intelligence or law enforcement agent pretending to be a “fellow pro-White advocate.”
I did not know how aggressively he stands against so-called “jew hatred” until I saw this video uploaded to Bitchute by the unironic “Judaism is Based” channel.
How are we playing the villain by standing up for White people and exposing our enemies? Kohne is the real villain for covering up kosher culpability. He is also villainous for telling people to attack and destroy this website, seemingly through hacking or some other nefarious means. Who does that? It seems he (and possibly his masters) are not just concerned with eliminating the expose of Kohne, but also the years of hard work we have put in to exposing jewish supremacists.
Kohne tries to make it seem like only he and his crew have been effectively countering the anti-White agenda, and that Renegade is some kind of new-comer on the scene. The fact of the matter is that I have been an active voice in the alternative media since 2009 and one of the most successful promoters of the “White genocide” meme since 2012, leading the White Man March in 2014, and then exposing the genocidal lies of WWII to millions in 2015 with Hellstorm. I have many other accomplishments I could mention, but I should not need to prove myself at this point. If I was able to be up on popular social media outlets like Kosher Kohne, I would undoubtedly have far more followers.
The last thing I will mention is that Kohne apparently wants me to drive up to D.C. and meet him for a “conversation.” I would honestly rather not, considering all of the important things I have to do on a daily basis. Kohne is really not that important to me. However, I will meet him for a live video debate. If anyone wants to make that happen, I am more than game. I have not done one in a while, but this topic is very easy for me. Also, if Kohne is implying he would like to fight me, I can guarantee his combatives training (I have to assume he has had some in his professional experience) would be sorely insufficient with me. I just must request a ruleset (MMA, submission grappling, kickboxing, etc) and a signed waiver, as I do not want to be arrested and sued for beating this guy into a pulp. Oh, and it would need to be filmed so that you could all watch it too.
Full article: http://www.renegadetribune.com/jason-kohne-tells-his-followers-to-attack-and-destroy-renegade-tribune/

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