Radical Pride or Militant Pride? & "What's all this then...!"

Published on Aug 25, 2024
#RadicalPrideSheffield - 2022 July 2023
From my own personal experience at this 2nd Radical Pride protest in Sheffield, I conclude that there are a few individuals hell bent on causing problems in society. Some people appear to have attached themself to your organisation who appear to be suppressing freedoms at your protests.

Will Radical Pride promote these kind of actions or speak out against them and afford all people the freedoms they are also entitled to, has now been identified as a good question for Radical Pride activists and their organisers!

This video includes interactions and video footage from the following YouTubers;

Website; https://www.stevecoates.net


It was expressly stated to all who interacted in this video, that there was no police officer involved. Unfortunately, when this was explained a minority of people decided to use these random interactions as a reason to try and justify their own self importance.

We was later informed that a report to the police was raised by an individual who did not know the difference between wearing a police uniform for filmmaking, and the difference of wearing the same attire with a criminal intent to either intentionally or calculatingly deceive somebody.

According to the Police Act 1996 Section 90 subsections (1) & (2) there needs to be intent and or calculation to deceive! This is deemed 1 element for a safe conviction, while the 2nd element is claiming to be a police officer to another person! Without both these elements, there can not be a lawful safe conviction!!!

Also regarding subsection (3), this requires the person in possession of including the wearing of described items, also needs to prove that they obtained possession of that article lawfully and has possession of it for a lawful purpose... Receipts of purchase and filmmaking are both considered to be within the explanation of Section (3)

Section (4) is irrelevant as it just describes definitions for clarification. Police Act 1996 section 90 is available to view on this link; https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/16/section/90

Many police officers actually think that the wearing of a police uniform is an offence in its self, and quite often fail to recognise the legislation fully...! Tv programs such as The Bill, Juliet Bravo or even the likes of Jeremy Beagle when he actively dressed as a police officer, were never convicted for impersonating a police officer!

It's important to comprehend, in this video, it is easy to comprehend that the wearing of this fancy dress costume was neither of the INTENTION or CALCULATION to deceive anybody... I rest my case!

This video production helps to highlight that some people in society can not comprehend the difference between filmmaking and criminal activity, especially when reasonably explained to them at the time!

Full off the cuff - Intermediate Documentary Video of the 2nd Radical Pride Protest that took place in Sheffield 22 July 2023 was intended to be a public record of events, as well as a small future documentary which will be released in due course...

Unfortunately due to a few individuals who appear to have either latched on or are part of the organisation of Sheffields Radical Pride network, we was suppressed in what we was allowed to document for both a public record of events, and the future, off the cuff documentary.

Many people in society recognise that there is a right to protest, we personally share that opinion, but while there will always be a few individuals caught on camera who's intention only appear to serve as oppressors and freedom deniers, also known as a fascist, the very description of activity some people claim not to be, appear now to have become!

Perhaps Sheffields Radical Pride movement should think about how these individuals are making their movement look in society...!

It is always worth remembering, there is no expectation of privacy in a public space, and the camera does not lie, unlike some people...

My advice would be to ignore the camera, and act like there is no camera there instead of playing up as the drama queen, some people like to be!

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