Published on Jul 23, 2024
Rufus_2688 - Pretty big swords for normal sized people ?️?


Way back in 2016, when Orange Man Bad curbstomped the PantsuitWarPig ?, VfB had begun watching Coach Dave Daubenmire, by way of Doug Hagmann. One of Doug's contemporaries was a fellow by the name of Doc Marquis, formerly of the Illuminati and excommunicated [if there is really such a thing]

He recorded a DVD titled There Were Giants in the Earth

In this riveting 2-DVD set, Doc Marquis falls back on over 50 years’ worth of occult knowledge and takes us back to the ancient days when giants walked upon the earth. Step by step Doc reveals that ancient giants were responsible for the creation of ancient, megalithic stone circles and then shows us the direct connection between them and modern-day crop circles. Then using his vast occult knowledge, Doc will show us that not all crop formations are created equal. Using one startling example after another Doc will show us, through various crop formations, that aliens could not be responsible for their creation. That there is something very diabolical, something very occultic going on with cro formations.

Even Abraham Lincoln mentioned giants!


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