"Trans Athletes Won't Get Periods!" Fiery Debate On Transgender Women In Sports

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Apr 11, 2023
Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by British shot put champion Amelia Strickler, and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, to debate the banning of transgender women from competing in women's sports and the impact it is having on female sport in general.

Piers begins by expressing concerns that women's sports records are being broken due to a clear physical advantage that transgender women athletes have, in certain sports, due to growing up with a male body that has higher levels of testosterone.

Peter Tatchell agrees that in some cases it could be unfair, but says it is equally unfair to have a blanket ban for all transgender athletes, where some don't have a clear physical advantage. Tatchell believes each athlete should be treated individually.

Amelia suggests that even those who may not have a physical advantage, still don't have the same biological makeup as women, and so will not go through things like periods and other conditions that biologically born women will.

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