Dune (1984) Alternative Edition Redux fanedit – The lost version of the classic David Lynch film. edited by Spicedive
Published on Jan 23, 2022
Dune (1984) Alternative Edition Redux fanedit – The lost version of the classic David Lynch film.
This project is fully improved to 4k resolution by Gabriel Wars, used an AI to Upscale to 4k, some parts are not 100%, precisely because the original material that didn't go to cinema was not in good quality.
Now, what exactly is this project about:
Essentially this version is the result of the concept of – “FANEDITâ€; a kind of anonymous worldwide club of people who work in the audiovisual world and some of which even operate from inside the studios, having access to a lot of archival material relating to famous productions and beyond.
All of this is done outside the law as far as copyright is concerned and therefore the identity of these people is unknown.
In this case, “Spicediver†is thought to be just one person but could be a pseudonym for a group of stealthed creatives.
Therefore, the creators of this edition are professionals in the field with access to material that many people thought was lost, but which was recovered after a few years of research, in this case by “Spicediverâ€, which may or may not be a single person.
This edition is actually already a third version of the initial project to restore DUNE. Previous versions have also been released but I personally have never seen them as this last one is the version really considered by everyone who has had access to it.
And yes, everything you read positive about this work is true.
Dune Remix is ​​as close to Lynch's vision as possible. Its authors even followed the original script and all the scenes are in this version now reassembled in the correct chronological order and originally intended. It is true that not all the scenes could be found because probably Dino de Laurentis didn't even let them film, but much of what is in the cut, according to Spicediver, was enough to restore the film practically in its entirety according to what was written and planned by Lynch decades ago, following the script from scene to scene as faithfully as possible.
Furthermore, Spicediver didn't just rework the film, but even tried to technically improve all the additional scenes. Both in sound and image cleaning.
Admittedly, there is some obvious discrepancy between the original scenes and the new scenes as the missing material was very badly handled, but it all works out anyway and DUNE fans will love to see this version.
Especially if they're fans not just of Lynch's movie but especially of Frank Herbert's novel.
DUNE has never been as much in agreement with the book as he is in this version.
There is even no lack of chapter separation that divides the novel into several unique parts within the story. The cut also reproduces this novel logic, which makes us immediately feel that we are seeing a DUNE that is very faithful to its literary origins.