The freemason soviet union subhuman russian(slavic) terrorist trying to use niggers to rob the world

Published on Feb 26, 2023

(February 26th, 2023)
The freemason soviet union subhuman russian(slavic) terrorist trying to use niggers to rob the world,
Not only the subhuman niggers and muslim, But also their subhuman chinese and Sudra/Dalit:
The relationship between subhuman reptilian russian(slavic) and niggers, The freemason communist
proletariat equality bullshit .

The relationship between subhuman reptilian russian(slavic) and niggers who rob Europe and asia .

(Still remember how U.N became U.N?), Know what the freemason is?
During the 50's--80's, They, The subhuman jews and U.S (Jew Ass), USSR rusian(slavic), Has already Trying So Hard to send these niggers "refugee", Semitic sand people "refugee", And subhuman chinese/korean "refugee" to rob Europe and asia, Particularly Europe .

All the top technique begin at that moment are originally from Germany, They've stole the technique from our Germany,
During the 57's--60's, U.S (Jew Ass) russian(slavic) space cooperation, And the (ISS) terrorist space cooperation program,
The so-called (Cold War), Was just the fake shit to divert attention from public, And they will never tell you about how the U.S (Jew Ass) russian(slavic) space cooperation while having the 3P relationship with the subhuman chinese or even 4P relationship with british behind the TV,
Since these alLIES/Communist or bolshevik semitic are one freemason of the reptilians,
And the LSD drugs and the top classified UFO case was their most important things .

They have a deal with the reptilian to allow the reptilian's greys to kidnaping their own cattle and citizen(same as the cattle) for experiment and for testing drugs, To exchange some reptilian's low tech weapons,
At the same time, The subhuman jews/russian(slavic) has produce the first poison drugs LSD:
That's why you see in 50's--80's, Many of these Hippies sjw antifa garbage who take the LSD drugs, And U.S (Jew Ass) CIA kidnaping them for testing LSD drugs, And at the same time, Not only citizens missing but cattle Missing as well,
But at the same time, Some different aliens (Humanoid aliens from this 3rd dimension but other planets), Who trying to stop this idea/plan (Including the hybrid race mixing project), But being deny/reject by the so-called U.N laws .

They don't allow you to show this truth on public,
Including the hollywood movies actors, Announcer and reporter, And even including the president, That's their reptilian freemason's rule,
That's why you see in 50's--80's, Any of those who know this truth that trying to declassify or explode this truth in the public, CIA KGB MOSSAD shut them down .

And these niggers was helping them on LSD drugs so so much .

(Also, You now know the relationship between russia and subhuman U.S(Jew Ass)/Chinese/Niggers, But also, Relationship between russia and israel,
You know, Not only just subhuman russian(slavic),
But you might wonder how many of these subhuman jews are from the (former) and now soviet union as well, For example:
Hitler talk about the freemason/Communist:

(Don't want this happen? Don't want the fucking subhuman shit skin low eq niggers/Sudra/Dalit/muslim/chinese/vietnam/Myanmar/Laos etc etc communist antifa bitches around you?
Crush the reptile jews/russian(slavic)/U.S(Jew Ass)/chinese first then)


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