How the Equality Act Will Turn Christians into Criminals | Guest: Lila Rose | Ep 376

Published on Mar 8, 2021
Today we're talking about the Equality Act as well as Joe Biden's pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. The man who succeeded Kamala Harris as AG of California, Becerra has already proved himself to be a pro-abortion politician. Christian Democrats who say they are pro-choice should really know better; one can't reconcile an acceptance of abortion with adherence to God's word, the Bible. A major piece of legislation that Democrats want passed is the Equality Act, and it's about much more than who can use which bathroom. There are much broader implications in this act for kids and churches, and to speak about that, we welcome pro-life activist Lila Rose to the show.


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Past Episodes Mentioned:

Ep 115: The "Equality" Act

Ep 339: The Price of Losing Georgia & Christian Nationalism


Show Links:

Preorder Lila Rose's book, Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World

â–º Buy Allie's book, "You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love":

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