Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle Mind blowing
Published on Aug 31, 2022
In recent years, in the light of the exposed cover-up of television personality Jimmy Savile’s paedophilic ways and the dark secrets of Westminster finally being revealed, the shocking truth of the elite and its involvement in a child abuse network that stretches far beyond the United Kingdom has broken free from the underground ‘kooky’ conspiracy websites and made into the public eye.
But for decades people have warned of this shocking reality and their testimonies and concerns have been dismissed, or even ridiculed. Such claims have been hidden by the government-controlled mainstream media, but it is coming more and more well-known that there is a worldwide network of high-ranking individuals such as religious leaders, MPs, judges, doctors and many more involved in the sexual abuse, satanic ritual sacrifice and human hunting of children for perverse pleasure.
nces such as attempted rape and indecent assault, was then convicted and sentence to life imprisonment – however acquitted in 2008 but was not awarded damages.
The Guardian reported that Savile abused up to 1,000 children during his time at the BBC, frequenting wards of NHS hospitals such as Aylesbury’s Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where over 20 sexual offences of teenage girls were recorded, as a respected fundraiser. It was also reported by the Telegraph that Jimmy Savile visited Broadmoor Hospital, even giving Australian entertainer and convicted paedophile Rolf Harris a tour, and abused patients such as Alison Pink who recalled the two making an impromptu visit whilst the female patients undressed.
It seems these big names in cahoots with the royal family; Savile was knighted in 1990 and Harris was appointed a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) in 2006; are not a threat to the monarchy at all, as royals have been linked to the child abuse network themselves. This powerful ring not only divulges in sexual abuse, there are also implications perpetuating to Ninth Circle satanic rituals, sacrifice and h…
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