Eustace Mullins Money and the Conspiracy of Evil.

Published on Oct 20, 2021
These measures were necessary because FDR's backers were planning to
involve the U.S. in the Second World War. Any popular political opposition to
Roosevelt might have swept him out of office in 1940, just when he was needed to
bring off the Pearl Harbor attack. On the morning of Pearl Harbor, Gen. Marshall,
his Chief of Staff, met secretly with Maxim Litvinoff (married to Ivy Low of England),
to assure the Russians that everything was going according to plan. Marshall later
testified before Congress that he "couldn't remember" where he was on Pearl
Harbor Day.
The "managed conflict" was well on its way. Jacques Rueff points out that
Schacht did not invent Hitler's monetary policy; it was imposed on Germany "by
American and British creditors to finance war preparations and finally unleash war
itself (The Monetary Sins of the West). Rueff also points out that the Standstill
Agreement of 1931 allowing Germany a moratorium on war debts through the
1930s was an amicable pact between the London, New York and German branches
of the Warburg and Schroder houses. Max Warburg remained Schacht's deputy at
the Reichsbank until 1938; Kurt von Schroder then became his deputy. (Schacht's
father had been Berlin agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of New York.) The
industrialist levies for Hitler (the Circle of Friends) were paid into the Schroder
Bank. Throughout the 1930s, Hitler was duped into persevering in his desire for
friendship with England, an alliance originally proposed jointly by Theodore
Roosevelt and the Kaiser in 1898 between the three Nordic powers, England,
Germany and the United States. The Schroders assured Hitler than their AngloGerman Fellowship in England was a hundred times more influential than it actually
was. With such figures as the Astors and the Chamberlains supporting rapport with
Germany, Hitler was persuaded that war with England was impossible. In 1933 he
had announced his discovery that Marx, Lenin and Stalin had all said that before
international Communism could triumph, England and her Empire must be
destroyed. "I am willing to help defend the British Empire by force if called upon," he
declared. In 1936, Hitler arranged for meetings to take place between English and
German diplomats, but the desired result was never attained, as the British had
only one goal, to lull Hitler into a sense of false security until they could declare war
against him.
To lure Hitler into World War II, it was necessary to guarantee him adequate
supplies of such necessities as ball bearings and oil. Jacob Wallenberg of the
Swedish Enskilda Bank, which controlled the giant SKF ball bearing plant, furnished
ball bearings to the Nazis throughout the war. The anti aircraft guns sending flak
against American air crews turned on SKF ball bearings. Its American plant, SKF of
Philadelphia, was repeatedly put on the Proclaimed List, and each time, Dean
Acheson removed it.
President William S. Farish of Standard Oil refueled Nazi ships and submarines
through stations in Spain and Latin America. When Queen Elizabeth recently came
to the U.S., the only family she visited was the Farishes. Throughout the war, the
British paid royalty to Ethyl Standard Corp. on the gasoline used by German
bombers who were destroying London.

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