Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez: The Spike Protein Is Nothing More Than Graphene Inside Your Body And Spiking You

Published on Aug 10, 2021
Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.

Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez is an Argentine geneticist and former president of the argentine society of genetic medicine.

On Sunday, June 27, Dr. Luis Marcelo Martinez was interviewed by Pedro Moreno in the program Integrantes. In this interview, Dr. Martinez explains that the pandemic must be treated from an engineering point of view and not only from a health point of view since it was discovered that vaccines contain graphene oxide, but experts in the area of electromagnetism must also be brought in to understand how to deal with what we are experiencing.

Right now there is huge documentation gathered by the channel the La Quinta Columna (Spain), Physician Jose Luis Sevillano and the Biostatistics Ricardo Delgado that proves than graphene is being inoculated trough Covid vaccines. Graphene is a carbon-based superconductor (nano technology) that upon contact with hydrogen and at body temperature becomes magnetic, therefore the host it can send and receive signals (data), theoretically it could also be store data in its host, furthermore these nanoparticles generate clots and all Covid symptoms features. There are strong suspicions that Covid in its first wave was caused by the interaction of the 5G antennas (Covid Environmental Theory) in the bodies of those inoculated ones with the 2019 flu vaccine, many who received this vaccine have magnetism too . The nano particles of graphene can be grown in brain cells. We encourage you to research about graphene and 5G.

Orwell City has selected four points that are relevant and directly related to the findings made by La Quinta Columna and that are of great interest to both the scientific community and the general public.

COVID Does Not Exist. Germ Theory Is Fraud.

Why You Cannot "Catch" A Virus.

Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes.

The Spike Protein Has Never Existed.

The Spike Protein Is Nothing More Than Graphene Inside Your Body And Spiking You.

The mRNA Vaccines Contain 98-99% Graphene Oxide. The 5G Can Stimulate Graphene.

COVID = Graphene + 4G/5G. The mRNA Vials Have Almost 100% Graphene Oxide.

Italy’s Postmortem On Dead Corona Patients. 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Responsible For Deaths.

FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Around The World Have No Record Of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever.

How To Eliminate Excess Graphene Oxide Before It Causes Thrombotic and Cardiovascular Complications.

Graphene Oxide is a toxic chemical substance and has electromagnetic properties. Graphene Oxide generates thrombogenicity, triggers thrombi, blood coagulation and collapse of immune system, accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.


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