MyWhiteTV - NO SUCH VIRUS EXISTS - See Proof in UK and USA govt docs

Published on Nov 17, 2020
* Click to THE Source:
Two government documents — one from the U.K. and one from the USA — put the final nails in the coffin of the massive criminal hoax known as “Covid-19.”

The government reports admit that there are no isolated, purified samples of the claimed virus.

In order to even think about inflicting Martial Law upon us The People as our governments have done, they MUST have had a proven sample to begin with. And they would still have it because they could have made as many copies as desired by using the PCR invention for its intended purpose: amplifying, or copying, genetic material.

Our governments do not have a proven sample of the claimed virus because it does not exist.

As I have said in previous videos, we could reason our way upon the known facts to fully conclude that the claimed virus did not exist. We did not need the liars to slip-up and tell us it does not exist.

But now, with these documents, our doubters who are yet capable of the intake of new facts and the assembling of facts into knowledge should accept as true what I have said from the beginning.

There Is No Such Virus.

Our governments are enemies of The People.

The CDC document, saved on Scribd: .
The CDC document, currently available on the USA government website: .
The admirable Gemma O’Doherty’s video showing the U.K. document: .

* UPDATE -- The disgusting BrandNewTube deleted the video. By search, I quickly found it on Bitchute: . I had thought it was a new video, but I see it was posted there on the 1st of November.

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