Brian Haw - London Bush Protest 15 June 2008

Published on Aug 20, 2020
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Brian Haw gives a moving speech before the anti-Bush march on 15 June 2008.

The police then blocked off the route to Whitehall past No. 10 after the US Secret Service demanded protesters be kept away from the President.

'George Bush has been dictating British foreign policy for many years. Now it appears his security services are determining our rights of protest,' said the coalition's spokeswoman, Lindsey German.

But it was the closure of Whitehall by Scotland Yard and its implications for civil liberties that provoked the strongest feelings. A Stop the War spokesman, Andrew Burgin, said: "What would the Americans think if Gordon Brown turned up with a 700-strong entourage who told them to close down central Washington? It is the sort of high-handed attitude that has been shown by Bush all along."

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, has written to Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, calling for the march to be allowed. He said: "In this country we have a long tradition of peaceful protest and I would be shocked if British civil liberties were curtailed at the request of a foreign government."

I will be putting up some videos of the ensuing police brutality. Open your eyes people.

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