The Northman - Esoteric Heathen Analysis

Published on Dec 17, 2022
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Robert Eggers' The Northman is the best Viking film ever made but some of the pagan themes within are too esoteric for everyone to understand. In this review, I explain the origin of the pagan rituals and symbols throughout the film and what they mean. Everything from valkyries, to the raven fylgja, the horned spear dancer, and the Odinic initiation ritual in a Neolithic barrow. I also explain the tension depicted in the film between the cults of the gods Freyr and Odin.

Footage used under Fair Dealing law of UK for the purposes of commentary.

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Music: Torulf, Hildigaldra, Borg

Most art was by Christian Sloan Hall including Odin, Freya, Starkad and Valkyries
Horned spear dancers by Hungerstein
Wading through Hell by Jack Jones
Hel goddess by Leo Albiero
World tree by Pete Amachree
Spirit of Yule by Christopher Steininger
Mimir’s head by Graman
Vendel helmet cgi by Roy Douglas
Bear spirit and corpse animations by Castor and Bollux animation

All the sources for this video are listed on my blog:

00:00 Introduction
04:17 Odinic initiation: Coming of age
17:40 Sponsored message
19:10 Odinic initiation: Wolves of Odin
24:48 Talking Heads: Alas, poor Mimir!
35:16 Mound: The Draugr in the Barrow
39:18 Sexy Fertility Rite: Bosa saga
40:56 Freyshof: Freyr vs Odin
48:44 Valkyrie
51:38 Funeral: Riding to Valhalla
58:55 Conclusion


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