Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 30, 2025, Bishop Williamson Dies; Congrats to Jim, 5M BC Views; Swimming; Ryan M; WILHELM GUSTLOFF 80th Anniversary Remembrance

Published on Jan 30, 2025
*** Bishop Williamson died Jan 29, 2025.
As part of his outreach, Benedict removed the excommunications of Williamson and the surviving bishops in 2009. But an uproar ensued after Williamson said in a television interview that aired on Swiss television just before the pope’s decree was made public that he didn’t believe Jews were killed in gas chambers during World War II. The scandal was an acute embarrassment for the German-born pope, who later acknowledged mistakes in the Williamson affair and said that a simple Internet search would have turned up Williamson’s views. Williamson later ran afoul of the society itself, which expelled him in 2012 for insubordination. He had ignored a deadline to “declare his submission” to its authority and had called for the society’s superior to resign, the group said at the time. The following year, a German court fined him for having denied the Holocaust in the 2009 television interview. Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany. In announcing Williamson’s death, the society said that Williamson had been ordained a priest by Lefebvre in 1976 and had taught in the society’s seminaries in Europe, the US and Argentina. He had also served in a leadership position as second assistant general from 1988-1994.
*** Congrats, Jim, over 5 Million views; 8400+ subscribers; 6400+ videos.
*** VERY Overweight Gal Suing Lyft for Rejecting her Patronage, Jan 29, 2025
*** Tim Fakeologist Show with Jim Rizoli and Fakenukes Phil, Jan 29, 2025
*** Swimming in Auschwitz, Jan 30, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/KOY7Fb6i38K6/
*** Ryan Messano - anti-free-speech target in Dickinson, ND https://www.thedickinsonpress.com/opinion/columns/port-you-have-a-right-to-free-speech-you-dont-have-a-right-to-an-audience
Diane’s Response - 1) There is no such thing as free speech, BUT.... It's free speech for all or it is not free speech at all. Yes, if you have a town meeting or gathering, anyone can and should be able to speak basically about anything. The only thing they should restrain, perhaps, is the time allowed. 2) Apparently the term 'abuse' only applies to comments made that might not be popular. I don't think this type of exclusion is allowed as it is based on restriction of content ... by WHOM???
***LOER - German Survivors of Allied Atrocities (GSOAA), Karin Manion (July 2016), May 15, 2022 https://old.bitchute.com/video/UR6NiqPkp42U/
(Karin was a small child when she, her family including grandmother left their homes in East Prussia to escape the approaching Soviet terror. They were scheduled to board the fated Gustloff when the grandmother was not going to be allowed to board. She insisted that the rest of the family go on ahead across the Baltic to ‘safety’ but they refused to leave without her. THAT transport was the one sunk).
*** The Sinking of the MV Wilhelm Gustloff - https://old.bitchute.com/video/oN9LfEeX2LwH/
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/deadliest-disaster-sea-happened-75-years-ago-yet-its-barely-known-why-180974077/ (Article Read by Diane)
The Deadliest Disaster at Sea Killed Thousands, Yet Its Story Is Little-Known. Why? In the final months of World War II, 75 years ago, German citizens and soldiers fleeing the Soviet army died when the “Wilhelm Gustloff” sank. By the time the Soviet Union advanced on Germany’s eastern front in January of 1945, it was clear the advantage in World War II was with the Allies. The fall of the Third Reich was by this point inevitable; Berlin would succumb within months. Among the German populace, stories of rape and murder by vengeful Soviet forces inspired dread; the specter of relentless punishment pushed many living in the Red Army’s path to abandon their homes and make a bid for safety. *** The province of East Prussia, soon to be partitioned between the Soviet Union and Poland, bore witness to what the Germans called Operation Hannibal, a massive evacuation effort to ferry civilians, soldiers and equipment back to safety via the Baltic Sea. German civilians seeking an escape from the advancing Soviets converged on the port city of Gotenhafen (now Gdynia, Poland), where the former luxury ocean liner Wilhelm Gustloff was docked. The new arrivals overwhelmed the city, but there was no turning them back. If they could get to the dock and if they could get on board, the Gustloff offered them a voyage away from besieged East Prussia. “They said to have a ticket to the Gustloff is half of your salvation,” ship passenger Heinz Schön recalled in an episode of the early 2000s Discovery Channel series “Unsolved History.” “It was Noah’s Ark.” The problem, however, was that the Soviet navy lay in wait for any transports that crossed their path and sank the Gustloff 75 years ago this week in what is likely the greatest maritime disaster in history. The death toll from its sinking numbered in the thousands, some put it as high as 9,000, far eclipsing those of the Titanic and Lusitania combined.


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