Zionist George Galloway = Mossad

Published on Mar 24, 2021
Zionist George Galloway = Mossad

Why the Muslims see this Zionist shill as an Ally is beyond me. 

In reality it would make him an enemy of the state (GB) yet this rat can walk safely, and freely,
in and around Parliament and London as if on a holiday jaunt, yet, get any true nationalist running for
a seat in the house and it reveals'' all the parties merge as one including his 'RESPECT' Muslim party
wolf crying the anti racist and Hollywood Nazi rhetoric at the nationalists to silence the debate. 

Galloway is supposedly, shouts and supports Hezbollah, the so called Nationalist resistance against Jewish Zionism yet all his waffle, clichés re Nationalist suit the Zionist agenda. He is a contradiction...one hand helps and supports Hezbollah with all his moral buzz words but yet he condemns his own nation and people from having that same protectionist resistance our folk try to apply that same logic for our people against Jewish Zionism' So if he is supporting Hamas the question should be''  Who is Hamas? 

One should ask; Why don't Muslims see through his dialectic that is controlled opposition cant Muslims see through his contradiction, cant they see it is he and shills like him who advances Jewish Zionism and ultimately Israel, all these things should be ringing alarm bells for Muslims but then ask yourself what sort of Muslim does he walk with ? 

Galloway's track record reveals his logic; "Palestine for Arabs" and "Europe for Arabs" and "Ho£ocau$e deniers in prison".

Yet he stays silent re the true genocide 'Holodomor' the true genocide of our European folk by his Jewish friends …Just like the Imam allows the real Muslims to be blame d for 911. 


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