Holodomor: Stalin's Secret Genocide (2016 documentary short)
Published on Jan 4, 2021
Holodomor: Stalin's Secret Genocide / Голодомор: прихований геноцид Сталіна (2016)
An estimated ten million Ukrainians died in the early 1930s in a genocide known as Holodomor. The documentary "Holodomor: Stalin's Secret Genocide" describles Holodomor as narrated by 7 leading historians:
* Anne Applebaum - Pullitzer Prize Winner, author of Red Famine
* Andrea Grazioni - Professor of Hisotry, University of Naples Federico II
* Alexander Motyl - Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
* Norman Naimark - Professor of History, Stanford University
* Serhii Plokhy - Professor of History, Harvard University
* Timothy Snyder - Professor of History, Yale Univeristy
* Frank Sysyn - Professor of History, University of Alberta
Written and directed by: Andrea Chalupa
Narrated by: Andy Holowaty
Year: 2016
*"March for the Young Nakhimovets" by Loktev Choir
* "Ne Khody Ulane" by the Lemon Bucket Orchestra
* "Oj Polia Vy Polia" by the Lemon Bucket Orchestra
Produced by:
Holodomor National Awareness Tour
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documenation Center
Holodomor Research and Education Consortium
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Canada Ukraine Foundation
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYG7fKe4JHA (Holodomor National Awareness Tour)
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