Kazakhstan Police Meet The Public & Bulgaria Uprising

Published on Jan 18, 2022
**It was about all the same stuff we are putting up with Richie, its QR codes and "vaccines", I have an hour long update I am working on at the moment. Can someone that reads this reply to Richie for me please. I cant comment here.**
Thanks Robert_Z.
The internet has suddenly gone back up in Kazakhstan .people are now able to get information and news out...more people join the party! Lets just say...Wow! Just wow.
The first scene is the civilians giving a hardcore public relations review to the botmeat and the second...the Bulgarians give the Bulgarian Police a performance review at their parliament.
Remember, dont let them take their uniforms off...I would suggest getting the records from the main HQ's so they can be rounded up.
Share my videos on all platforms, not just our hugboxes...make new accounts on their platforms and expect to be deleted.
Just get it out there, we need to break through the echo chamber...we are preaching to the converted!
Support here, cheers (I want to get on the road for IRL journalism...asking the creators and masons what they are doing live on stream...its a bike fund...I havent failed any of you yet!):
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Come ask a question or hang out, if I have an answer to any question, I will answer or find out, your own personal scientist:

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