Meet Ohio 2019 Fake Shooting Victim - and DHS Employee with Secret Aliases (Upload Success)
Published on May 18, 2020
In a previous film, we showed that the alleged "shooter", also was dead before the shooting - in his case, since 2014.
We also showed that "victim" Logan Michael Turner died in Florida in Florida in 2018 - the year BEFORE his "death" in the 2019 Ohio massacre.
Now we introduce fake victim "Monica Brickhouse"... and her alias under which she has been a Homeland Security employee, a Presidential elections Twitter computer analyst, an "event planner", and an aspiring movie and special effects producer.
Monica Brickhouse, Monica E Brickhouse, Logan Turner, media coverage, Logan Michael Turner, programming, psyop, patcon, history, NWO, MKULTRA, Northwoods, Barack Obama, Alex Jones, Truth, alternative media, Jared Loughner, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, stooge, patsy, shadow government, nwo, gun rights, Karl Pierson, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, DHS, FEMA, SWAT, Connor Betts, Dayton mass shooting, Ohio mass shooting, Sandy Hook, fake shootings, shooting hoaxes, political terrorism, fake news, FEMA, DHS, drill, drills, Megan Betts, crisis actors, gun control, propaganda, manufactured, Edward Bernays, corruption, Donald Trump, 2019, simulated victims, Patrick Crusius, Bryan Crusius, WalMart, 2019, Christchurch, New Zealand, Port Arthur, Brenton Tarrant, Gabrielle Giffords, Tuscon shooting, 2011, Active shooter, duping delight, role playing, Capstone event, Donald Trump, false flag, false flags of Donald Trump
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