Hidden His-Story of Man & Deep State: Act 12 - Deep State Science - They are Hiding God Part 5

Published on Oct 16, 2022
“Our journey begins with a man named Richard E. Byrd or more commonly known as Admiral Byrd. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is “Operation HighJump” (1946–1947). For this mission he was supported by the US Navy, giving him plenty of ships, boats, aircraft, and personnel to accomplish his goal. Well, he found something in Antarctica and in an interview gave an account of what he saw.
Here are a few quotes pulled from that interview, “Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.” Byrd said he found this area as he moved further into Antarctica and even went on to say, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”. This isn’t the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what you’ll see. Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you.“
Trigger Warning: We’re going to debunk 90% of what the government taught you in high school science books. Please check your ego (and everything you thought you knew) at the door.
We Debunk:
Carbon Dating
Out of Africa Theory
Space (Therefore Aliens)
Commoner’s Core Education
All Maps (Except this one)
The Fake News
We Prove:
Biblical Earth (Young, Flat, Domed, Stationary, and Geocentric)
The Flood of Noah
Dinosaurs (Dragons) were with Man most of human history.
Nephilim Giants Rule the World, Seed of the Serpent.
The Deep State worships Satan - blatantly at times.
Vaccines are Intentional, Planned Genocide & Population Reduction
NASA is lying about Space.
Weaponized Food
Baby Parts in Food Supply.
How the Megalithic Structures were Built, and by whom.
The Occult Origins of CRT & Common Core.
*SOME foul language/Graphic Content in this series*
Docuseries links
New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History - UnchartedX
Robert Sepehr's works
George Carlin
IASIF (It’s Always Funny In Philadelphia)
Alex Newman
Rob Skiba
Documentary: Level
God (YHWH) & Yeshuah (Jesus)
Timothy D Japhet, George Floyd’s Lawyer.
Greg Reese Reports
Council on Foreign Relations
Whistleblower Nurse
Justin Bieber
60 Minutes Overtime
Naomi Wolf on the War Room
Project Veritas
RAIR Foundation
Fox News
Various Media & Individuals clips - credit to authors.
Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural
Tom Horn
Vexille - Movie
Mark Sargeant
Eric Dubay
Project Veritas
CELEBRATE TRUTH - The Global Lie & Scientism Exposed (Robbie Davidson) - https://celebratetruth.org/
Sleepy Joe Sleep Aid
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