Awakening Your Body's Energies: Conditioning Self-Mastery

Published on Jul 10, 2020
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

George Leonard: Awakening Your Body's Energies (excerpt) - Thinking Allowed w/ Jeffrey Mishlove

NOTE: This is an excerpt from the full 90-minute DVD.

Your body, says George Leonard, is an instrument vastly more sensitive than the most powerful computer. In this dynamic and practical program he demonstrates several awareness exercises in which you, as viewer, can participate. These include balancing and centering, transforming pain to energy, "soft eyes," and "energy arm." Leonard then explains the practical value of these procedures, which he has taught to over 40,000 students.

In Part II of the DVD, Leonard demonstrates how your body can learn to receive energy from a sudden hit, shock or surprise. Resisting, complaining or denying the sudden impact tend to drain your body of energy. Yet, through receiving -- and even embracing -- the hit, your body is energized. Another exercise, called "crystalline state," provides a means for temporarily setting aside expectations, judgments and considerations, allowing your mind and heart to perceive in a clear, unbiased way.

George Leonard is an aikido black belt and developer of a psychophysical system called Leonard Energy Training. Former senior editor of Look Magazine, he is currently a consulting editor to Esquire. He is also a past-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and author of numerous books including Education and Ecstasy, The Silent Pulse, The Ultimate Athlete, The Transformation, and Walking on the Edge of the World.


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