Dracos, Nephilim, Reptilians in YOUR FACE with Gene decode

Published on Sep 25, 2021
Pay attention boys and girls..Gene Decode is telling you some truths now that he is on his own and graduated from the cirsten w 6,000 year old Earth brainwashing so many with nonsense she has no clue of....
be careful who you follow and give MON NEY to.....it is time to WAKE THE FLOCK UP!!!!!
MMS stops the mrna attaching to human receptors. Start very slow..2 drops for a week,then 3 drops the second week.
It is very powerful but will cure Cancer,Aids,Virus,Malaria,Lyme and many other problems.....
Under Puerto Rico is a huge ET BASE..I had put up photos here but THE BITCH BOYS deleted 3 years of my comments..gee i wonder who they work for???..who are they in bed with ...maybe the boys on BITCH u te Trending
There are 777 books from the real Bible.
Earth bound Humans were provided 66 (altered narrative) books.
Now, ask yourselves…Does that make you an expert on anything?
Or simply turned you into one exceptionally programmed populace?


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