Benazi Bhutto casually says Osama Bin Laden had been killed in 2001
Published on Feb 18, 2021
When David Frost interviewed his guest live on his programm, "Frost over the World", on November 2nd 2007, something truly telling happened. Madam Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani political heavy weight. Ever since 1999, when a coup d'état installed the four star General Pervez Mousharraf as President, Benzir Bhutto opposed the repressive regime in her country. In this interview she casually claimes an ISI operative, the renouned Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, killed Osama Bin Laden back in December 2001. Benazir Bhutto herself would be killed little more than a month after giving this interview.
At 2'13" you can hear Benazir Bhutto clearly say, "He had dealings with Omar sheikh, the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden" Which is very odd, since the official narrative tells us Osama Bin Laden was killed March 10, 2011 when US special force raided his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
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