(December 1st, 2023) Henry Kissinger, Another day another freemason Jew/Tengu down, 万歳!!!!!!

Published on Dec 2, 2023

(December 1st, 2023)
Another day another freemason Jew/Tengu down, As i've said before, But not enough just yet, More will going down incoming as you will see it:

Henry Kissinger, He's one of the grandmaster of freemason, Just like Karl Marx, The father of russian(slavic)/Chinese communist/semitic .

And this ripple effect will cause the collapse of all his jewish/Tengu childs around the world, All his migrants that he put around the world, All his communist childs like asian jews chinese/Korean/Russian(slavic)/France/British/U.S(Jew Ass)Vietnam/Myanmar/Shit skin indian (Sudra/Dalit) etc etc,
All the alLIES, All the Communist, All the semitic system 90% of world population, Will be collapse in very short time .

Unification church that he work with korean chinese spy Kishida and 自民党 traitor that the semitic/communist he establish in Japan, All his foreigner "tourists" system in Japan
https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/111442931022692595 , https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/111504451764165120 ,
Will be collapse in very short time .

You will see it from now to 2025 .

As the 6th heavenly 天狗道/Paranirmitavaśavartin is burning now,
Of course is a huge affecting to 天狗Tengu/波旬(Hajun/Mara) in this world as well,
And our rituals, i'm sure you love it as well :




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