The suspicious timing of MP Crispin Blunt’s arrest.

Published on Oct 27, 2023
Pro Palestine MP Crispin Blunt's arrest raises suspicions that it could be connected to the ICJP holding power to account.
Right, so news came out in the last few days relating to the arrest on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances of Tory MP Crispin Blunt. Now I’m not one for conspiracy theories, I like to see proof of such things, he was interviewed some 3 weeks ago in relation to this matter, but I can’t help but note the convenient timing, the coincidence of all of this in light of what is going on right now in Israel and Palestine. Blunt is one of those rare few parliamentarians who has come out as pro-Palestine, even rarer when you consider that he’s a Tory, but not only that of course, but as I discussed in a video the other day, Blunt also happens to be a director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians, the ICJP, whop have in recent days of course, issued notices of intention to prosecute to the likes of Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer for their strong support of one side of the Israel Palestine conflict and therefore acting not in accordance with seeking peace, but more egging their chosen side on.
Right, so Crispin Blunt of the ICJP, the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians has been arrested in connection with allegations of rape and possession of controlled substances. Now the only information we’d been given was that Surrey Police had made the arrest, so that narrowed down where the MP was from and that it was a male in their 60’s which narrowed it down to a choice of three MPs as I had a look into this. But then in a rather unusual move, the accused actually announced that it was indeed they who had been arrested, as Reigate MP Crispin Blunt put out a post saying: ‘It has been reported that an MP was arrested yesterday – this was several days ago now – in connection with an allegation of rape. I am confirming that MP was me. The fact of the arrest requires a formal notification of the Speaker and then my Chief Whip. I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this incident, the first time three weeks ago, when I initially reported my concern over extortion. The second time was earlier this morning under caution following arrest. The arrest was unnecessary as I remain fully ready to co-operate fully with the investigation that I am confident will end without charge. I do not intend to say anything further on this matter until the police have completed their inquiries.’ Right, so he’s fronted up that it’s him instead of hiding behind the usual anonymity rules that MPs benefit from and the clue as to why that is was there in Blunt’s statement, that this followed a report made by him concerning extortion, in other words was somebody trying to blackmail him, potentially over something he did not do? It’s not exactly the actions of a guilty man to report the fact he’s being blackmailed for something he did do is it?

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