Cop arrests someone and puts them in the cop car (PARKED ON THE TRAIN TRACKS). Guess what happened

Published on Sep 25, 2022
What could possibly go wrong? Brilliant. This is gonna be a huge payday for this lady. This could be the police screw up of the year. Can we say situational awareness? Don't they teach that any more at cop school? How retarded do you have to be to stop and sit on the rail road tracks?
These commercial cops were so worried about finding a gun (that makes or breaks their case and justifies their bullshit most likely) that they don't hear a train whistle or an approaching train? They are discussing the lack of a gun in the video at the cost of everything else. What if this person had been killed? They would have probably got six months for manslaughter or some other lesser crime. Let me guess, now they are on "paid administrative leave"...screw up and get a paid vacation.
If she stopped to close for you to park safely get on the horn and tell her to pull up a 100 feet or something. Or once you get her in the car, move the damn car. They let this fool run around with a gun ready to shoot someone? It figures. I cannot wait to hear the excuses and bullshit that they try to put forth as a narrative on this one. Let me guess, this dude will be chief of police in 20 years right?
Keep in mind also that these "police officers" are corporate revenue officers violating your god given and constitutional rights (constantly). They are enforcing not the law, but legal fiction under commercial law. In other words policing for a profit. You must know and enforce your rights or you will have none. I hope she sues them into oblivion (which I think is somewhere in eastern Oklahoma).
Source: Vigilant-Sol:
Here is some backstory:
-----A female road rage suspect is lucky to be alive after a police patrol car she was in was struck by a train after the arresting officer left the vehicle parked on railroad tracks.
Yareni Rios-Gonzalez, 20, from Greeley, Colo., had been pulled over by Platteville Police in connection to a road-rage incident last week involving a gun. Upon seeing her white pickup truck, officers pulled her over at a railroad crossing.
Rios-Gonzalez was ordered out of her vehicle at gunpoint and made to kneel while officers placed her in handcuffs. She was then sat in the back of a police car while officers carried out various checks, seemingly oblivious to their precarious position.----
He left the back door open. If I am in the back and not belted in where I can't get out, I am out of that car handcuffs or no handcuffs. But seriously. They hire cops this stupid. Really?
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