The Story of Mendy Levy - Evil Kike Cult Lev Tahor Exposed (Inbreeding, Ritual Sacrifices, Pedophilia)

Published on Jan 30, 2022
Lev Tahor the Evil Kike Cult (founded by Shlomo Helbrans in 1988) Guilty of child abuse, brainwashing, drug use and forced marriages of teenage girls to men as much as 20 years their senior. The group has moved frequently, being located in Israel from 1988 to 1990 (and again from 2000 to 2003), the United States from 1990 to 2000, Canada from 2003 to 2014, Guatemala in 2014, Mexico since around 2017, and since late 2021 Romania[9] and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They often move in an attempt to flee government child welfare agencies

Jews ARE NOT God's chosen people

Historic Proof Of Israel's Migrations

Israel's Fingerprints

Biblical Canaanites, Who Are They?

Heirs To The Covenant

This is a set of podcasts with historical, archaeological, linguistical, biblical, cultural, etc proof that the Israelites without doubt migrated west and formed the European nations, they are called Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Germanic, etc peoples today. The Israelites are not arabs, jews, or negroids they are the White race!!

Your Heritage(Europeans are the Israelite people)

In Defence of Christian Identity: My Answer to Ted Pike

Bible Basics

Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Note: So do you still think God or Christ loved everyone and hated no one?! God ONLY loves His creation, the Wh ite race aka the Adamic race out of which His chosen people came who are the Israelites who are today known as the Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, etc people!! Esau married Canaanite wives and this is why God HATED him because he was a race mixer who destroyed his lineage!! Our lineage is precious, our race is precious and we must not commit miscegenation(adultery or sometimes they translated it as fornication) because it shows a complete lack of reverence for God's creation by destroying it and making hybrids like the mule!! Today J e w s have everyone convinced that racism is bad and racemixing is good and normal, GOD HATES THIS!!

Malachi 1:3
And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his HERITAGE waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Note: The dragons are the non-Adamic and non-Israelite people, they are the ancestors of today's J e w s and non-White races, they are all "serpent" seed!! God HATES them because they are race mixers aka fornicators who delight in destroying God's creation aka Adam aka the White race and because they bring sin into the world, their very existence is the result of sin!! Gen 3:15

The Biblical Standing of the Non-Adamic (Non-Wh ite) Races - Podcasts and Commentary

Identifying the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Early Two Seedline Reiterated

A Critical Review Of The Sheep & The Goats by Bertrand Comparet

Special Notice To All Who Deny Two-Seedline - Part 1(There are 21 parts to this)

^^^^Thanks to SaxonWarrior for links^^^^


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