Hybrid World | Transhumanism Documentary
Published on Jun 18, 2021
Hybrid World - The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race Behind closed doors, scientists and corporations have breached genetic codes that separate the individuality of all animal and plant species on earth. Laboratories around the world are honing their skills while our humanity and dignity as a species is on the operating table like a universal Frankenstein, subject to a wholesale psychic and physiological re-design under the guise of "progress." The proponents claim the field of "Transhumanism" will change the world by eliminating sickness and famine while at the same time, governments and military groups around the globe are having clandestine meetings to discuss super soldiers, superintelligence, and even super animals to maintain military dominance and control over the populations of the world. Even more horrifying, they must create committees to implement plans to defend their nations against future terrorism performed by transhumans (modified human beings) with the universal.
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