Freemasonry: The Depths of Satan - Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios

Published on Jan 27, 2025
Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios, in his examination of the Book of Revelation, sees "the depths of Satan" (Rev. 2:24) applying to today's satanic, neo-gnosticism: Freemasonry. Spreading its wicked tentacles throughout society, often in ways unknown the average person, Freemasonry is a powerful force that all Christians must not underestimate. Elder Athanasios reveals the true nature of Freemasonry, her symbols, rituals, and philosophy, offering to Orthodox Christians, and all who love the truth, tools to fight this satanic, secretive organization.

0:00 Beginning, Rev. 2:24
0:36 Homily begins
3:01 Freemasonry is Neo-Gnosticism and we will always fight it
4:57 The basics of Gnostic philosophy; the Apostles and Church Fathers wrote against Gnosticism
9:27 Masonic symbolism: The letter “G”
15:28 12th degree initiation ritual, Gnosis, and “Supposedly Historical Events”
19:01 Faith rejected, Rationalism embraced
21:14 St. Paul addressed Gnosticism in Colossians 2:8-9
24:37 12th degree initiation cont’d
26:34 The Freemasons despise the body and matter and hate that Christ came to save both
29:20 The Masons help the good god (Lucifer) overcome the evil god (Christ)
32:55 Why Gnostics venerate the evil figures in the Bible
35:25 18th degree initiation, “The Rosicrucians”
38:41 Leo Taxil on Freemasonry and Lucifer
39:36 Freemasonic prayer to Lucifer
42:19 33rd degree initiation: Worship of Baphomet
43:46 Freemasons are inside and outside the Orthodox Church
44:21 We must fight Freemasonry and bring Freemasons to Christ

This homily is found in Vol. 1 of the Revelation Series from Zoe Press

Thumbnail, top right: Ecumenical Patrairch Meletios (Metaxakis), and to the right, Ecumenical Patrairch Athenagoras (Spyrou) kissing the forehead of U.S. President Harry Truman. All three were 33rd degree Freemasons. See more below:

-BUY the Revelation Series from Zoe Press:
-READ: Freemasonry: Official Statement of the Church of Greece (1933):
-READ: ​​Freemasonry in American Orthodox History,Ecumenical%20Patriarch%20%E2%80%94%20was%20a%20Freemason
-READ: Freemasonry and the Orthodox Church
-READ: Greek Freemasons embrace EP Athenagoras:
-BUY “On The Masons And Their Lies” by Michael Witcoff
-READ “Notes On The Influence of Freemasonry On Early Greek Ecumenism” by Fr. Seraphim Zisis:
-WATCH: Freemasonry: Today’s Satanic Gnosticism by Fr. Peter Heers (analyzing the teachings of Elder Athanasios)
-LISTEN: On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement - St. Seraphim of Sofia
-WATCH: at 17:22 in “The Ungodly Errors of Archbishop Elpidophoros: All You Need to Know” we see the GOArch Archbishop wrote the Introduction to a book written by an open Freemason, saying, “With great joy and deep satisfaction, I read the work of the exceptional intellectual Nicholas Laos…”

It is commonly held that Leo Taxil pushed a hoax when revealing secrets about Freemasonry, including the details of the 33rd degree initiation. Regardless of the real story, much of Masonry has been exposed at this point by Masonic literature, ex-Masons, and those with due diligence. Some things still remains a mystery. Baphomet, which Taxil mentions as the figure before which Masons kneel in the 33rd degree ritual, is certainly a part of Masonic worship of demons. The saying written on the arms of Baphomet, “As above, so below”, is embraced by gnostic philosophy, and even seen promoted openly by some world famous people (the politicians and world elite tend to be more circumspect). Let the reader decide for himself whether Taxil’s writings bear any truth, whether Elder Athanasios is somehow misinformed about Freemasonry, and whether Freemasonry is an extremely powerful and demonic force permeating all levels of society or just a fraternity of altruistic brothers that “conspiracy theorists” are too eager to draw conclusions about.

"Masonry is a contemporary reality which affects everyone and everything in our times. It is certainly not a good strategy to underestimate the capabilities of the enemy. In order to fight an enemy successfully, we cannot underestimate his power. Masonry is powerful; it is the power of Satan. That is precisely why we are fighting, and we will always continue to fight, as long as we live, against Freemasonry." -Elder Athanasios


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