Swedes migrate from Sweden to Eastern Europe, USA, Australia to escape Islam plague & Muslim savages

Published on Aug 1, 2020
It's happening! Swedes migrate from Sweden to Eastern Europe, USA, and Australia to escape the plague of Islam & Muslim savages that are full of rapists, pedophiles, criminals, terrorists, and economic parasites. The terror is not unlike the Black Death in 14th century, virulently sweeping across Europe and decimating at least %50 of European population. The horror was real, as those that died wanted to live, and those that lived wanted to die. Interestingly, for the most part, Eastern Europe had been blessedly spared in both Bubonic and Islamic plagues. It is as if the strong Christians in Eastern Europe have been protected by both human courage and divine intervention, indeed. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
After all, it was a Polish King (John III Sobieski) who saved Western Europe by defeating the Muslim savages from the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey) at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
There are now daily, recurrent rapes, shooting, and grenades exploding across Sweden but unreported or under-reported.
We previously stated our prediction that Sweden would collapse within 5 years. By the way it looks, Sweden's demise could happen much sooner than that, perhaps even within 3 years. Currently, more than half of Sweden is literally no-go zones, and its castrated police no longer fulfill its role to protect Swedish citizens out of fear for its own safety. Unfortunately, Sweden is well on its way to become the first laughing stock of Europe (soon to be followed by the rest of Western Europe), and "Stockholm Syndrome" would become too real of a national travesty and not just from some bizarre psychosocial experiment with prisoners in captivity. Sweden would become a nation in exile whose population and homeland are being systematically attacked & replaced, and invaded & colonized, respectively, by barbarians from the 7th century aka Soldiers of Allah, as a result of self-imposed national suicide, all brought about by a combination of human depravity, liberalism, and lost identity.
Sweden has gone from paradise of the West to rape capital of the West. Sweden used to be a national model of progress and prosperity. Now it is a case study of cultural insanity and of what NOT to do, gradually relegating to the rank of one of the legit "shithole countries" (as U.S. President Trump would put it). And as unbelievable to all non-Swedish citizens, Sweden continues importing massive number of Muslim savages, 30,000 into a country of 10 million population, in 2018 alone. To put it in perspective, U.S. used to admit 100,000 Muslim savages per year into a country of 320,000 million under Jihadi Obama's regime at the height of repeated terror attacks (Boston Bombing, shootings at Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando). With a population of about 1/30 of U.S., Sweden admits 1/3 of Muslims. That means Sweden admits roughly 10 times as many Muslim savages proportionally to its population as U.S. did in its worse years! Hence, the fact that Sweden is imploding should not be surprising. In fact, the opposite should.
Barely 1-hour flight away from Swedenistan is a rapidly changing demographics of yet another Islamic neo-colony, Germanistan. While Angela Merkel has steadily imported millions of Muslim savages from Middle East and North Africa into Germany, at least 2 millions woke, highly educated Germans have also steadily been migrating out of Germany to Eastern Europe, including Poland and Hungary (especially around Lake Balaton), Czechoslovakia, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and United States, where the population of Muslim savages are smaller, over the last decade alone.


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