If Words Are Spells Could We Be Casting Things Upon Others? Upon Ourselves?

Published on Mar 9, 2022
Sound is one of the natural forces used by Nature to create crystalline structures and sacred geometries, which are some of the building blocks of matter. One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces”.
I know that most people don’t believe in magic (I don't), but what if we are all performing a type of magic simply by speaking and writing words? As if the world wasn’t bizarre enough as it is, what if the words we choose to use in our everyday thoughts have power and you’re casting spells when you speak and write?
"Spelling" is the art of directing and controlling energy with a spoken word. Words that transform into frequencies and vibrations that can be used to direct energy. Numbers are said to have "magical" elements also. In fact, the numeral and alphabet system were created based on sacred geometry and sacred sound, and therefore numbers and letters have powerful properties to them.
The art of magic is often practiced with certain sacred magnetic words. These sound tones have powerful vibrational patterns, which are used to direct and control energy and allows you to harness its power, if you know what you are doing.
I am not saying all the above it 100% true or false, but we would be better off as a race to watch what we say to each other. -JC
I found this on the Demon Hunter channel and the original source is: Knowledge Is Power - Gary Lite: https://youtu.be/FUOjfFRjoZ8
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