Because (1902)
Published on Mar 28, 2021
a dignified and sincere love song, a wedding song
high-level music from France, lyrics from England
words by Edward Teschemacher, music by Guy d'Hardelot
published by Chappell & Co. Inc., New York City
low version sung by Sheet Music Singer, Fred Feild
piano according to the sheet music
tempo = 70 bpm, Poco Adagio
Because you come to me with naught save love
And hold my hand, and life mine eyes above
A wider world of hope and joy I see
Because you come to me
Because you speak to me in accents sweet
I find the roses waking round my feet
And I am led through tears and joy to thee
Because you speak to me
Because God made thee mine I'll cherish thee
Through light and darkness, through all time to be
And pray His love may make our love divine
Because God made thee mine
Famous Songs at
1922 Project at YouTube: sheet music singer
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