Bill Gates' Pedophile Question - The Key to Understanding The JEWISH VIRUS!
Published on May 8, 2021
Details have emerged that point to Bill Gates' secretive relationship with the Jeffery Epstein Child Sex bribery network as being central to the Jewish controlled deep state's control of Gates for purpose of using his money and influence to pull off a global genocide of non Jewish human beings. All financial crimes and asset stripping operations underway support this thesis. It is most likely that Gates is part of a massive blackmail operation bu Israeli Mossad to kill off western populations and transfer its assets into the waiting hands of the Jewish hedge funds, bankers and asset managers drooling over their easy global takeover. But not so fast there Jewish bankers, your narrative is weak and only works with the idiotic soccer moms who watch too much TV, the rest of us are ready to fight and fight we will!
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