(December 24th 25th, 2022) Shopping mall time

Published on Dec 25, 2022

(December 24th--25th, 2022)
Shopping mall time, I ask Akio see this guy salute or not?
Akio: I saw it 😂🤣🤣
(At this moment, Where is skinhead going?)

Made in Germany 卐
And Made in Japan of course 卐

So, Do i need it and put in one of my house or not?
Well, Our next world war is almost start all these cooking tools or furniture are meaning less for me, Including all my house and treasure, After the war start, I will donate all my house and treasure to Germany Aryan fascist and Japanese Imperial,
Father 不動明王 (Fudō Myōō) will lead me to next life when my glorious time has come 卐



(December 24th, 2022)
Fucking skinhead and Akio secretly order DJ behind to play some song and push me sing on the stage .
All the spotlight and all the people watching me,
I never thought about i need to sing on public like this, Fucking make me shy, Akio know i'm nervous and sing along with me on stage, And fucking skinhead just laugh under the stage and recorded the videos, And i will never show these videos of course !!!

This night, After our Vegan dinner,
Skinhead just reservation and pay extra triple on one of the whole pub this night, Our rules is, No girls no gay no drugs no smoke no "foreigner" or alcohol allowed in our party, All the beer machine has stop this night,
Plus, 3of us are Vegan, So i said: Let the real party start then .

The bartender was a girl, So when she move away, So the DJ serve us the fresh water, Akio test it have poison or not, Then we drink the fresh water .

Our people and things has prepared and waiting on the whole area outside the pub, But we don't interference the people who come to this pub .

(This night, I wanna meet the Yakuza boss on that area and cut his head off right infront of his men, But he don't even dare to show himself, He's hiding behind the door and move away, Think that the Goyim like me don't know)

Fucking skinhead and Akio secretly order DJ behind to play some friendship song and push me on the stage .

After some people sing the love song, Next, Akio straight up cut the line, He told the DJ said he wanna sing now, Akio told me no worry, He will sing along with me, DJ ask what song i wanna sing .

I wanna sing SIEG HEIL, And the fucking DJ said don't have such song . (At this moment, I really wanna smash the fucking DJ and throw under the stage)

So, While we need time to choose our song, Akio told Skinhead sing some song first, Then Akio and me sing some friendship song .

Then Skinhead just sing 南無阿弥陀仏,
Then Akio took the mic from DJ and walk on the stage, And join Skinhead to sing 南無阿弥陀仏,
And when i look on the people and DJ face, Is like, Akio and Skinhead pay them behind to force them applaud and clap, Their applaud and clap are loud, But it look so fake to me, But their laugh is true .

Then, Fucking Akio order the song that i've never hear it before, And want me to sing with him, I said i never hear about this song,
And Akio said: It's really easy, Just follow me to sing,
Me :............................................................... (And walk on the stage with Akio before the music start),
After that, Once again, All the spotlight and all the people watching me and Akio on stage, I make our slalute 卐, And Akio follow to make our slalute 卐
Akio: GERMANY !!! JAPAN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! (before the music start)
(Skinhead smile and swinging the light under the stage like he's the big fan)

Around 11pm, After few hours, My throat almost without voice, Skinhead throat almost without voice, And i don't know why Akio still can shouting around on the stage .

Akio feel wanna climbing mountains on next activity, And we leave .


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