(((Survivors))) Alison Chabloz 5 minute Song :-)

Published on Jul 5, 2020
Oy Vey !!! BOTH of My-Parents were Gassed 3-Years-BEFORE-I-was-Born !!!
Yes! -- And I was Gassed 6-Times !!! -- It's TRUE! -- Don't BE Anti-Semitic !!!
They Tattooed My #-on-My-Wrist, and THEN: Straight-Into-the-Gas-Ovens !!!
Yes! -- And THEN They MADE us ALL WORK !!! "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" !!!!!!!!
My name is Irene Zisblatt and I come from Hungary . . .
Can you believe what evil Nazi bastards did to me
I was gassed not once but twice
I mangaed to escape
Over the electric fence
Landed on the train
I saw them taking babies and tearing them in two
And creepy Dr Mengele he removed my tattoo
They tried to turn my brown eyes blue
Make lampshades from my skin
For months I swallowed diamonds
And shat them out again
Tell us another
Come on, my brother
Repeat the cover
For tribal gain
Safe in our tower
Now is the hour
Money and power
We have no shame
Let's lie and cheat on film
No one suspects a thing
Bigger the lie is better for us!
Every fake survivor
Every fake survivor's laughing
Fake survivors' tongues are wagging
All us frauds are busy blagging
Spin and yarn there'll be no gagging
You shall pay
All the way
Every night and day!
My name is Elie Wiesel may I show you my tattoo
I wrote a book for US kids to study while at school
It's full of nonsense tales of course
What do you all expect
But it made me very wealthy
As a liar I'm the best
At Auschwitz they burned
babies tho the water table's high
Fred Leuchter's work on ditches well it almost made me cry
Treblinka was a another one
There was no funeral pyre
I cannot speak Hungarian
But oh boy can I lie
History repeats itself
No limit to our wealth
Thanks to your debt we're
Bleeding you dry
We control your media
Control of your books and TV
With the daily lies we feed you
Suffering victimisation
Sheeple have no realisation
You shall pay . . .
My name is Otto Frank and my daughter's name is Anne
The poor girl died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen camp
She wrote an introduction
To her famous diary
The rest was penned by Levin then publishèd by me
Two thousand and sixteen the copyright came to an end
The Anne Frank trust decided once again the rules to bend
We truly had no choice although
The whole thing really stank
But the book now has two authors
Anne and Otto Frank.
Bank notes let's print some more
We love to see you poor
Let's start a war
Our pockets to line
There is no more doubting
Every nations debt is mounting
While the bankers keep on counting
Pension fund has now gone awol
Nothing left upon your table
You shall pay . . .

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