Timeline of the TRUE HISTORY of The JEWS in Europe: PART 1
Published on Jan 8, 2021
source https://www.bitchute.com/channel/the-white-rabbit/
Here is the truth about the Khazarian people who call themselves "Jews" today and reside in the land formerly possessed by the ancient Hebrews. The Jews of today are NOT the Jews of the Bible.
It has been proven with archaeological and historical facts, and multiple DNA tests, that today's Ashkenazi Jews (who make up 95% of today's Jews) are descendants of the European Khazars who mixed with Arabs and converted to Judaism to produce the Satanic Talmudic Jews that we call "Ashkenazi Jews".
The Jewish Talmud teaches practically the same things as the Quran of Islam, because the Jews are really European-Arabs, and not at all descendants of the Hebrews of the Bible.
Even the book of Revelation in the Bible calls out the Jews of today:
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
(Revelation 3:9)
Today's Jews are these imposters that the Bible talks about, who truly worship Satan, and are not the Jews of the Bible.
Quote: https://i.imgur.com/DOQb1Pm_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand
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