Pfizer CEO Says Anyone Who Questions His Company's Vaccines Are 'Criminals'

Published on Jun 10, 2022
Yes he's come s lonh way since spiderman movies renting apt to peter parker.. but now hear his clone speak
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla actually had the balls to once again call anyone who questions the efficacy and safety of his vaccines 'criminals' even though his own company holds the record for fines, which sits in the billions of dollars, for misinformation and outright lies about their own drugs.
Remember, this is the same company that tried to get a court to block the release of their own findings on their COVID vaccines for 75 years. This is also the same company that boasted a 95% efficacy rate when in fact, Israeli studies show 65%, then dropping to negative efficacy after 5 months.
The real criminal here is Albert Bourla.

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