Published on May 13, 2020
A nice honest Jew (behhhhhh) compounding the illusive "Holocaust" while warning against usury.

Follow the link to read Hitlers miracle :

Gottfried Feder – National Social economist

“Once again take note …

WWII was fought over who would control the monetary system after the war …

The choice was either the retention of Jewish Usury burdened with “infinite compound interest“, insured by the usurped and contracted military of the (((Allied powers))) to enforce their Zio-Democracy on the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) who were battling against these demonic Talmudic materialistic Jews. The Axis was the true Democratic holder of the ultimate remedy for world peace “Autarky” … Their “interest-free” system, inspired by Germany’s moral economist Gottfried Feder and the British economic reformer Major Clifford Hugh Douglas that Japan was using which would have also halted the dispossession and what we now see today as the racial genocide of the Europeans”!.


If you believe Jewish Zionist Bolshevism just faded away back in 1945 then you better think again. While VE day punctuated the end to a fratricidal (brothers) war the real enemy Jewish Zionist (Bolshevism) covertly morphed into psychological subversion of the masses. across the western world, it changed its combat attire for Bond Street, Fleet Street, and Wall St suit and tie now leading and managing congress in the US as well as Parliament and Town Halls and civil service across our nation controlled through Jewish Banking and widespread slow kill governmental policy.


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