Israel runs the "Dual Reality Terror" industry – The Souless Signs of Death: Ole Dammegard
Published on Jun 23, 2021
Starts at 5:00. The audio sucks at the beginning but stops bugging out at 24 minutes.
Originally broadcast Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 4:22 PM EST
From marc: "I have followed Ole's work for a few years now. And Alfred Webre's for at least 4-5. Palms together for the both of you for the incomparable work you are doing to awaken humankind. Ole's single-handed discoveries of patterns and clues in a huge number of false-flags and related threads is astounding. What is incredible though is that virtually ALL my friends, family and acquaintances are completely and utterly floundering in the matrix of deception. If I dare to broach these subjects I am scoffed at, put in a box, considered stupid, gullible, conspiracy-theorist...all the usual bullshit responses.
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