Long term sickness increases

Published on Nov 12, 2022
Excess deaths AND long-term sickness dramatically increased in the UK

New Hope Children's Centre

This is a great organisation I have been involved with for 12 years now. I fully attest to the veracity and dedication of all the staff I have met. The founder is Anne Chege, who my brother and I know well. Anne worked with Barclays Bank for 28 years, looking after orphans and abandoned children within her own home. On retirement she opened this centre and has dedicated her life to the work.

To contribute to this work,

Zoe data


One in 29

One in 40 (2.43%)

Since the end of June 2022, mostly Omicron variant BA.5

Antibodies, 95.8% of adults in England

ONS (11th November)



Long COVID not main factor in long-term sickness increase

10 November 2022

Since the pandemic in the UK,

Number of people out of work because of long-term sickness has risen by around 363,000

The number of people on long-term sick

other health problems or disabilities,

between April and June 2022,

was 97,000 higher than the same period in 2019.

A 41% increase

UK covid deaths, week ending 28 October 2022

717 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) registered in the UK

Previous week, 737

Excess deaths in the UK, ending 28 October 2022

Deaths registered in the UK, 12,861

12.5% above the five-year average

(1,430 excess deaths).

Deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for 5.6% of all UK deaths

UK official data

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