1863--1867 尊王攘夷、1894 The Spirit of a Nation and War、2024--2025 尊王攘夷、The return of Samurai era。

Published on Jan 8, 2024

1863--1867 尊王攘夷、1894 The Spirit of a Nation and War、2024--2025 尊王攘夷、The return of Samurai era。
A person from 15th Tokugawa Ieyasu family shogunate authority army, Has always be in the wrong side, After 尊王攘夷 incident,
He trying to regain his glory as a samurai, But he then realized Tokugawa family/Shogunate has already deal with the foreigner to sold Japan out to colonial Japan, Until he serving for Tenno Heika and fight for his family bloodline .

In a whole life of person, If in right moment, Side with correct side .
The outcome would be a huge difference .

The war is over
Let’s loyal to the new government together

And my whole life, Just keep standing with the wrong side........
Train, Warship, Cannon......
After Meiji Restoration, Everything has Westernized........
Former samurai like us, Has lost the origin position.......
Can't even fit in the Westernized New Japan

Welcome to working for the new government
But according to the rules, Please cut off the beards and bun hairstyles

It was once a symbol of samurai, Now has become outdated
The town are full of the officer that wearing the western clothes
The once proud Samurai, Has no longer being respected
katana that heritage from generation to generation
Even being prohibited
The Proud Of Samurai..........Has everything been stripped away

I wanna to regain my former glory, Joining the battle again as a samurai
And then it break again

おい Samurai !
Do you think about to Harakiri?

I was at the wrong side again
The time passes was faster than i imagined
I won't forgive any mistakes in decision
When i come back to myself, The time was still constantly motion

The grandchild in little house who never mention about
how he can living by shameful
Probably had think about this in many times
This kind of suffocation make me better find a place to die

I want to be your proud
I want you to call me Grandpa
God, Please let me stand on the battlefield again !

((1848, The freemason Karl marx has already plan to ​inject his communist and colonial along with his freemason bolshevik semitic U.S(Jew Ass) French British Jews White christian and Russian Chinese Korean foreigner to pollute Japan。
(1863--1867) 尊王攘夷。
Japan stand alone to crushed both the race traitor/15th Tokugawa Ieyasu family shogunate authority, And at the same time crushed all these foreigner out to preserved it heritage, Bloodline and traditional until now。

During July 25th 1894、日清戦争。
Japan conquered Korea、Korean and chinese alLIES together to against Japanese、And Japanese alone to crushed them both and conquered/Smashed both their royal palace。
Empire of Japan vs and crushed China Qing Dynasty chinese dragon and Korean。
Total more than 357,100 chinese/Korean has been executed、The sun has proudly shining on it。))

Japan has chosen the new era, Breaking away from old traditional and believing this will bring prosperity

If i'm not choosing the wrong side
By now, I already don't have to risk my live for reinforcement on the battlefield frontline
By now
How wonderful if first i side with Tenno instead of the Shogunate
And what if i'm not join the Seinan War.......
Is this an symbol of honor?
Is this something that i have been wrong missing with?
I wonder if i have this, My grandchildren will reconsider me?

Excuse me
Mr. Reporter
Can i have a photo?





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