Reasons to Fear the LORD - Pastor Steven Anderson (KJV Baptist Preaching)

Published on Jan 18, 2024
Preached on October 31, 2019 at Iola Baptist Temple - KC Mission by guest preacher Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Temple

This was a great message from the life of Nebuchadnezzar on what happens when someone fails to fear the Lord. This was preached on Halloween which gave us a lot of opportunity to play with the idea of it being a "scary" thing that Pastor Anderson was coming to KC.

(Promotional video "Be very afraid!" -

Many have wondered what our association is with Pastor Anderson and the New IFB. We share many of the same beliefs and methodologies, but his coming to preach on this particular Thursday had to do with the event we were hosting the next morning. This was the second year Pastor Anderson was part of the Potluck 100 Endurance Event, and in many ways this evangelistic work in KC began a year earlier after the first Potluck 100 where several people had come to meet Pastor Anderson and, as a result, friendships were made and brothers and sisters in Christ began meeting up to go soul-winning together. About six months later, Pastor Rocky organized "KC Mission" as a ministry of Iola Baptist Temple (the work now functions more as an independent church now, but is still under the leadership of Pastor Rocky).

The Potluck 100 Endurance Event is an annual event hosted by Pastor Rocky where people challenge themselves on 100 mile course to go as far as they can on bike or foot. What makes this event unique is that it is typically all ministry friends from Independent Baptist churches who have very little experience and training for such events.

If you have any questions about our church or services, please check out our website:
Iola, KS -
Overland Park, KS (KC Mission) -

If you would like to contribute to the preaching ministry of our church (and, more specifically, to our soul-winning efforts in Iola, KS and surrounding areas as well as the Kansas City metro), you can go to
God bless you.


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