The Host and The Parasite: How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America
Published on May 26, 2020
The U.S. republic founded in 1776 bears no resemblance to the anti-democratic police state that has declared war on its citizens, and provokes needless wars in the Middle East at the behest of Israel. At the center of it all is the parasitic control of the Israel Lobby on the U.S. government. The Host and The Parasite shows how the Lobby, evangelical Christians and neo-cons rode to power in the 1980s and proceeded to turn the United States into Israel's willing executioner.
Greg Felton is an investigative journalist specializing in the Middle East, Canadian politics, the media and language. He holds a Master's Degree in political science from the University of British Columbia and speaks French, Russian and Mandarin. For six years he wrote a political column for the monthly Arabic/English Canadian Arab News, and his articles have appeared on,,,, and in Middle East Times, Tehran Times, and other publications.
The minority ( those who think and care ) consider the majority to be a ' flock of sheeps '...I think this is an insult...To the sheep, of course...Because the real sheep KNOW who the sheepdog and WHO the wolves is/are...The Hegelian Principle - Greatest tool of the elite - helps explain how the powerful got that way...A method to gain power/status/money through conflict. Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis ( Zionism - Islam - One World Government, One World Religion...N.W.O )...Problem ( 9/11 ) - Reaction ( fear, panic, hatred against Muslims ) - Solution ( invade Afghanistan, Iraq and other Countries, Patriot Act, N.D.A.A, etc. ). Please read Antony C. Sutton books ( ' America's Secret Establishment ', ' An Introduction to the Order ', ' How the Order Controls Education ', etc. ), to understand Stupidity Became a Virtue in what was ' the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave ' ( NOW " land of the fee and home of the slave "...)...
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