23 Minutes in Hell (Original) - Bill Wiese, "The Man Who Went To Hell" Author "23 Minutes In Hell"

Published on Oct 29, 2024
23 Minutes in Hell (Original)
On November 23rd, 1998 Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for over a decade. Bill shares his terrifying experience as described in his book, "23 Minutes in Hell." This powerful message will change your life! For more information, visit: https://soulchoiceministries.org/book-about-hell-23-minutes-in-hell/

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For a FREE Chapter Download of, "23 Minutes In Hell, 10th Anniversary Edition" click here: https://soulchoiceministries.org/23free/

- Video Chapters -
00:00 Intro
01:35 People plan for a short vacation but not the afterlife
02:54 Before the book was written
04:16 It doesn’t matter if you believe me
04:38 This wasn’t just a dream
05:48 Annette shares what happened that night
06:40 "Pray for me! Pray for me! God has taken me to hell!"
07:46 Why would God send me to hell?
08:20 How can a Christian see hell?
09:27 Why does a Christian need to know about hell?

13:13 When you understand how severe hell is, you’ll want to persuade men
14:33 The BEGINNING of Bill’s hell experience
14:54 The prison cell in hell
15:47 The intense heat in hell
16:02 No strength in hell
16:58 The demons in hell
19:35 You can feel the darkness of hell
20:22 The raging pit of fire
21:06 Where I could first see people
21:42 Real, literal fire in hell
22:45 Jesus warned us about hell in the Bible
23:00 Hell is down deep in the earth/different levels in hell
24:25 The stench in hell
26:14 There is no rest in hell. No sleep ever
27:17 Forgotten in hell
29:56 The fear level in hell
32:29 Kept apart and isolated in hell for all eternity
33:11 Why is hell so horrible
35:50 Meeting Jesus
39:00 Why did He pick me?

41:45 Seeing Earth from space

46:12 God isn’t sending anyone to hell
46:57 How do we know God exists?
49:22 An eternal perspective on life
50:40 “I’m not going to hell because I’m a good person”
51:49 The penalty for our sin
53:37 You have to know God to live in His house
55:50 Why can’t God overlook our sins?
56:55 How can sinful man ever stand before a Holy God?
58:01 Directions to Heaven
60:14 Sinners prayer

More on this topic:
"Is Hell Eternal?" - https://soulchoiceministries.org/teachings/is-hell-eternal-blog/
"Is Hell Real?" - https://soulchoiceministries.org/teachings/is-hell-real-part-i/
"Will I Go To Hell?" - https://soulchoiceministries.org/teachings/will-i-go-to-hell/

Website: https://soulchoiceministries.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/billwiesetv/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BillWieseTV/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/billwiese
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/billwiese_23minutesinhell/

A special thank you to Christian Family Church, Johannesburg, South Africa, and to
Dr. Theo and Bev Wolmarans. Amazing people doing the work of God! We love you!


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