The body heals itself. The medicine hoax.
Published on Feb 16, 2021
Produced by Macro Cloud.
No animal cooks their food. If you remove everything that man cooks in order to eat, what are you left with?
Fruit. Man is Frugivorous.
For more info, check out my video, "The Cooked Food Hoax : The Root of Man-Made Disease":
Also, check out Dr. Robert Morse's (robertmorsend) channel to learn about the body's self-healing mechanisms and man's natural diet (fruit):
This is not medical advice.
If you are seeking medical help or advice, please consult your local allopathic practitioner.
If this information resonates, please conduct your own research.
Luciferian-gnostic alchemists are running the show. Pro-pagan ads (propaganda) on your vision screens.
Creationists (those who praise the Most High) vs. the architects (deniers of Most High... the builders, the masons, developers of their own existence, satanists, luciferians, worshipers of their own consciousness).
All Praises to the Most High, Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I Am That I Am)!
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