HAMPSTEAD COVER-UP: Children Given to Baby-eating Cult Leader!

Published on Nov 16, 2020
The Hampstead Cover-Up
about 2 years ago ·
HAMPSTEAD COVER-UP: Children Given to Baby-eating Cult Leader

This was the first proof that London Social Services, which the children said supplies babies for his cult to eat, gave Alisa and Gabriel to their father, Ricky Dearman.
But Dearman may have actually had custody of the children since sometime in 2015.

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Enter the 2018 eBay Awards for Business UK

eBay for Business UK

Published on May 16, 2018



Gabriel and Alisa Dearman, ages 8 & 9, were kidnapped by the London Metropolitan Police on September 11, 2014 and later given to their father, Ricky Dearman, the baby-eating cult leader.

The full list of more than 90 adult baby-eating cult members, and their 45 children, named by Ella Gareeva's children, Alisa and Gabriel Dearman:


Download, Save and Repost this list, because right now this is the ONLY place on the Internet where this complete document is available.

Whistleblower kids. The mother lists out what she knows.




Father falsely accused of being a 'satanic cult paedophile ring leader' Victoria Derbyshire

BBC News

Published on April 20, 2015




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