Serapeum Ep. 002 - Why The King James “Authorized” Bible (And other Modern Bibles) Are Less Accurate
The Serapeum
Published on May 8, 2023
While many believe the King James Bible is the best of what we have to work with today, it’s far from perfect. In fact, I would argue there are no popular modern Bibles that accurately portray the ancient scriptures that are what I would call authentic and untampered with.
Imagine if a book lost a page every year for 1000 years, however – they made new model editions after each of those years. Now, when you’re seeking to understand the writers words, would you look for a modern edition, or the most ancient one you could find? Would you trust the most recent, or the most ancient?
Ironically, many of the Apocrypha (which means, hidden) were originally included in the 1611 King James Bible
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Giants? Elongated Skull priests at Blood Sacrifice Temple Sites in Megalithic Structures? We've got you covered. They are the Nephilim from Genesis 6. But it goes much, much deeper. Learn about the Seed War of Genesis 3:15. They are *Among Us.* But they look human now after millennia of dilution of the DNA.
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Welcome to The Serapeum - The Hidden History of Mankind & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State
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