The Bible Way to Heaven : Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and You Will be Saved

Published on Aug 5, 2022
How do we get saved? What is salvation? What are we getting saved from? Do we really understand the gravity of not being saved? Did you know the Bible says that all the unsaved will end up in a fiery judgement and this will continue forever.

Perhaps you do not believe in God, Heaven or Hell but consider this, just because you do not believe in something does not make it untrue or non existent. I think you owe it to your own self to test if these things be true before it is too late, because if it is true that you end up in a nasty place forever then it will be too late to do anything about it when you die.

Today is the day of salvation, Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and him alone and believe he is the son of God and you will be saved. Don't put this off until tomorrow.....YOU could die today! Hopefully you will not but stranger things have happened. :)

I think many of you will say.. "so what, nothing is going to happen to us!". Do you really want to take that chance?

Do you know everything? Do you know half of everything? Let's just for one second assume you do know half of everything, is it not possible that God, Hell, Devil, Heaven, Jesus etc.. could exist in the half you do not know? There is a thought worth considering.

I put it to you simply this way, if we do not know everything then how can we dismiss the things we no nothing about without fully investigating them?

For more great Bible truths and revelations check out the following channels and websites. They have been a blessing in my own life.

If you are interested in finding out more about soul winning and want to share the Gospel with others, you can find more
information on soul winning worldwide in an area near you, check out the following websites:-

If you are in the UK or Ireland there is a new IFB soul winning group you can contact for more information here :-



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