Sweet Home Allemagne

Published on Jul 18, 2020
Third Reich Music Vids:
Camp ovens keep on burning
Making lampshades out of skin
Singing songs about the Deutschland
I miss Allemagne once again
And I think its a sin, yes
Well I heard ol' Shlomo sing about her
Well, I heard Shlomo put her down
Well, I hope Goldbergstein will remember
An Aryan man don't need him around, anyhow
Sweet home Allemagne
Where the Zyklon is so blue
Sweet home Allemagne
Lawd I'm gassin' all the Jews
In Nuremberg they love the Führer.... Jew jew jew
Now we all did what we could do
The holocaust does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you, tell the truth
Sweet home Allemagne
Where the Zyklon is so blue
Sweet home Allemagne
Lawd I'm gassin' all the Jews
Now Deutschland has itself a problem
And they need to round up you-know-who (It's the Jew)
Lawd they piss me off so much
And why does Auschwitz have a pool, and no oven fuel?
Sweet home Allemagne
Where the Zyklon is so blue
Sweet home Allemagne
Lawd I'm gassin' all the Jews
Sweet home Allemagne
Where the Zyklon is so blue, and the Fuhrer's true
Sweet home Allemagne
Lawd I'm gassin' all the Jews


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