Jim and Diane Present,The HOAXBUSTERS #23, Feb 22, 2025, TMOGV, Chap 13: Life in GermanyUnder Hitler

Published on Feb 23, 2025
THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, Chap 13, Life in Germany Under Hitler

When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly bankrupt and deeply in debt. The Treaty of Versailles imposed crushing reparations requirements on Germany, demanding they pay all the costs incurred by the Allies during the war. This was totally unrealistic because the combined cost of the war totaled three times the value of all property in Germany, completely beyond their ability to pay. At the same time the treaty required Germany to pay these unrealistic reparations, other measures in the treaty, i.e., taking her coal mines, her merchant fleet, and her richest farmlands, and giving them to other countries, reduced her ability to pay even further. As unrealistic as these demands were, France nevertheless demanded they be paid, and paid on time, and then sent the French Army to occupy the Rhineland for the purpose of enforcing these reparations payments. The German Army was limited by the treaty to only 100,000 men, too small to resist an invasion, or to even effectively police the country. Germany was in a double bind. She had no choice but to pay the reparations, but pay with what? To meet the scheduled payments, the German government resorted to printing money, which, predictably, created inflation. Once inflation began, private currency speculators jumped in to try to make money off the inflation by selling the Reichsmark short. This caused the Reichsmark to plummet in value, se9ing off an inflationary spiral which quickly zoomed out of control. Jews totally dominated finance and the financial markets in Germany, and nearly all of these currency speculators were Jews. Their role in se9ing off the inflation received wide publicity and was therefore well-known to the German people. The inflation went out of control, to the point that at its worst, a wheelbarrow full of Reichsmark could not buy a loaf of bread. The thrifty German middle class who had always been careful savers, were ruined en masse by the inflation, as their life savings simply evaporated before their eyes. The value of the Reichsmark decreased so rapidly that prices were adjusted upwards several times a day. To compensate, employers began to pay their employees twice a day. With their pay in hand, these poor Germans literally ran to a store, any store, to purchase almost anything of value before the price was adjusted upwards again. Almost any item or real asset was preferable to their handfuls of Reichsmark which were losing their value by the hour. This wild consumer spending set off an economic boom in Germany for a time that soon deflated. Due to the velocity of the inflationary spiral, prices went up so fast people could not buy enough food with the wages they earned. They began desperately selling off all their personal possessions just to buy enough food to keep themselves and their families alive, as wages and salaries lagged far behind the rapidly increasing prices. Pawn shops proliferated. Countless homes, farms, and commercial buildings were lost to private banks. Those with access to foreign capital, especially dollars, began buying up property all over Germany for pfennigs (pennies) on the Reichsmark. The private banks and the pawn shops were owned almost entirely by Jews, and Jews were the ones who had access to foreign capital. As a result, Jews grew rich off inflation, while ordinary Germans were reduced to living in hovels, and in many cases, starving to death.

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